Friday, August 30, 2013

Beware of Falling Snow and Clicking Cameras (Weekend Reflections # 205)

Vienna, Austria

This is my wife Vicki trying her best to get out of my photo.
She didn't realize that she was the star of the picture. :-)

Have a great weekend!

This is the place to see and share reflections click the rules tab above for more information.
  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.

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Adrienne said...

ooooh! SNOW! You're whetting our appetite for the seasons to come. I don't think there's anyway to move too fast in weather like that! Again, love the symmetry!

My name is Riet said...

What a lovely photo.

Malyss said...

Le Petit Chaperon Rouge essayait de fuir dans la neige, pendant que le Grand Méchant loup la suivait avec ... un appareil photo! :o)

Alexa said...

In that wonderful bright red jacket? I should think so!

Jack said...

Cute, James. I did some similar window reflections in Venice a few months ago.

Sylvia K said...

What a fun, terrific capture for the day, James! I love it!! Hope you have a great weekend!

Sofia said...

Very nice reflection found.
I like how that red stands out of white snow too.

Wayne said...

It's hard to imagine snow at this time of year! Cool reflection. Maybe this is the week for family reflections ;-)

Dina said...

What fun. A beautiful moment.

Gerald (SK14) said...

she needs to move a bit quicker!

TexWisGirl said...

(hello, vicki!) nice job, james!

Laura said...

the snow will arrive before we know it!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

How very cool that your wife was wearing a red jacket, looks pretty fab in the snow James :)

Ruth Kelly said...

No snow already. We haven't finished summer yet but it was a spectacular shot.

Pat said...

As much as I hate to see the white stuff here in the city, this is a 'refreshing' photo. And Vicki is the star!

James said...
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Lew said...

Dancing in the snow?? Great reflection!

Taken For Granted said...

Snow in the middle of our heat wave? That's one way to get a cool looking photograph. Lovely reflection!

cieldequimper said...

It looks almost surreal. Absolutely love it!

Kay L. Davies said...

Multiple reflections in all directions. It's great, and wouldn't be the same without Vicki in it. Gorgeous photo, James.

Anonymous said...

Exquisite photography ~ love the snow ~ carol, ^_^

Valerie said...

Your photographic captures never fail to delight me James! Wonderful combinations of colour, imagination, composition and interesting subjects. Thanks for sharing and hosting. Happy weekend!

Halcyon said...

Nice one! I want her coat. :)

Halcyon said...
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Rune Eide said...

She didn't get away - you got her twice :-)

'Tsuki said...

HA ! SNOW !!!

It is so hot here, I don't what I would do for some snow... But when the time will come for me to have some snow, I wwould do anything to have some summer hot day, of course... Human being are so complicated... ^^

Nice picture, James : I like it because it is so alive, with the movement of the woman looking for next spot where to put her foot without risking sliping... :)

Anonymous said...

Great photo. Sun and snow, colour and action, all in one picture.

Karl said...

Beautiful picture with an awesome and refreshing reflection :)

Nonnie said...

love the flash of red in so much white! and you have a ton of stunning reflections!

ruma said...

Hello, JAMES.

The coldness wants to be carried to Japan.
It is particularly hot summer this year.

Of course cool photography.


Unknown said...

Stunning - stunning -stunning!

Unknown said...

Stunning - stunning -stunning!

Jo said...

What a beautiful image and reflection of a beautiful lady. Thanks for hosting this meme, James. I hope to post here regularly and invite you to visit my blog written from East Africa. Greetings, Jo (Tanzania)

Viera said...

Beautiful photo with an amazing reflection... really well done...

Victoria said...

De la neige déjà, mais on quitte seulement l'été !
belle photo, et belle fin de week-end !
